wCMF  3.6
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
oCActionMapperActionMapper is the central class in our implementation of the mvc pattern. It calls the different Controllers based on the referring Controller and the given action
oCApplicationThe main application class. Does all the initialization
oCArrayUtilArrayUtil provides support for array manipulation
oCChangeListenerChangeListener defines an interface for classes that want to be notified when a value of an persistent object changes
oCControllerController is the base class of all controllers. If a Controller has a view it is expected to reside in the directory configured in section smarty.templateDir. Additional smarty directories ('templates_c', 'configs', 'cache') are expected in a subdirectory of the template directory named 'smarty'
oCControllerDelegateControllerDelegate is used to define an interface to vary the behaviour of the Controller base class. The methods are called by the Controller base class on defined variation points and get the currently executed controller as parameter
oCControllerMessageControllerMessages are sent between Controllers and are used to transfer data between them. ControllerMessages are dispatched by ActionMapper, which decides upon the message's controller, context and action parameter to which Controller it will be send
oCCSVUtilCSVUtil provides basic support for csv file functionality. The first line of a csv file is supposed to hold the field names
oCDataConverterDataConverter is the base class for all converter classes. It defines the interface for converting data between storage and application
oCDBUtilDBUtil provides database helper functions
oCDefaultControlRendererDefaultControlRenderer is responsible for rendering html input controls. Each control is defined in a smarty template, which is configured by the appropriate entry in the configuration section 'htmlform' (e.g. the text input control has the entry 'text'). The templates get a default set of variables assigned. Additional variables, needed only for certain controls, are assigned in the appropriate configure method (e.g. 'configure_text'). which may be overridden by subclasses
oCDefaultValueRendererDefaultValueRenderer is responsible for rendering (Node) values of a given display type. Each display type is defined in a smarty template, which is configured by the appropriate entry in the configuration section 'htmldisplay' (e.g. the image display type has the entry 'image'). The templates get a default set of variables assigned. Additional variables, needed only for certain display types, are assigned in the appropriate configure method (e.g. 'configure_image') which may be overridden by subclasses
oCEncodingUtilEncodingUtil provides helper functions for working with different encodings mainly UTF-8
oCFileUtilFileUtil provides basic support for file functionality like HTTP file upload
oCFormatterFormatter is is the single entry point for request/response formatting. It chooses the configured formatter based on the format property of the message by getting the value XXXFormat from the configuration section 'implementation'
oCFormUtilFormUtil provides basic support for HTML forms. It's mainly for creating input controls from definition strings
oCFTPUtilFTPUtil provides support for ftp functionality
oCGraphicsUtilGraphicsUtil provides support for graphic manipulation
oCHTTPClientHTTPClient is used to do calls to other wCMF instances over HTTP
oCI18nUtilI18nUtil provides support i18n functionality
oCIFormatIFormat defines the interface for all formatter classes. Formatter classes are used to map external data representations like JSON, XML/SOAP or HTML to internal ones. All data values are supposed to be scalar or array values except for Nodes, for which each external representation defines a special notation
oCInifileParserInifileParser provides basic services for parsing a ini file from the file system
oCInternalLinkInternalLink contains static methods for handling internal application links. These links are useful in an scenario, where an object represents a page and several subobjects represent page elements
oCJSONUtilJSONUtil provides helper functions for JSON
oCLocalizationLocalization is used to store localized entity instances and retrieve them back. Entity instances are localized value by value, where a translation of a value of one instance into a specific language is represented by one instance of the entity type that is defined in the key 'translationType' in the configuration section 'i18n' (e.g. Translation)
oCLockLock represents a lock on an object
oCLockManagerLockManager is used to handle lock requests on objects
oCMailClass to send mails
oCMessageUse the Message class to output messages. You need not instantiate a Message object because the methods may be called like static class methods e.g. $translated = Message::get('text to translate')
oCNodeIteratorNodeIterator is used to iterate over a tree/list build of objects using a Depth-First-Algorithm. Classes used with the NodeIterator must implement the getChildren() and getOID() methods. NodeIterator implements the 'Iterator Pattern'. The base class NodeIterator defines the interface for all specialized Iterator classes
oCNodeProcessorNodeProcessor is used to iterate over all values of a Node and apply a given callback function
oCNodeSerializerNodeSerializer provides helper functions to de-/serialize Nodes
oCNodeUtilNodeUtil provides services for the Node class. All methods are static
oCNullViewNullView is a stub class that implements all view methods
oCObfuscatorThis class allows to obfuscate strings. By passing an objuscated string to the method Obfuscator::unveil() the orginal string is returned. This is especially useful, if you want to place a secret string inside a client view as a parameter and want to get the original string back as the request is processed
oCObjectFactoryObjectFactory loads class definitions and instantiates classes
oCOutputStrategyOutputStrategy is used to write an object's content to a destination (called 'document') using a special format. OutputStrategy implements the 'Strategy Pattern'. The abstract base class OutputStrategy defines the interface for all specialized OutputStrategy classes
oCPagingInfoPagingInfo contains information about a paged list
oCPDFPagePDFPage instances define the content of a pdf page by using a set of FPDF/FPDI commands inside the PDFPage::render method
oCPDFTemplatePDFTemplate is used to output pdf files based on a given pdf template. PDFTemplate uses FPDI/FPDF. PDFPage instances are used to render data onto the template pages
oCPersistenceFacadePersistenceFacade instantiates the PersistenceFacade implementation
oCPersistenceMapperPersistenceMapper is the base class for all mapper classes
oCPersistentIteratorPersistentIterator is used to iterate over a tree/list build of oids using a Depth-First-Algorithm. To persist its state use the PersistentIterator::save() method, to restore its state use the static PersistentIterator::load() method, which returns the loaded instance. States are identified by an unique id, which is provided after saving. PersistentIterator implements the 'Iterator Pattern'
oCPositionStores a coordinate tuple for use with the LayoutVisitor
oCRemoteCapablePersistenceFacadeRemoteCapablePersistenceFacade delegates local persistence operations to the default PersistenceFacadeImpl and remote operations to a remote server
oCRemotingFacadeRemotingFacade is used to communicate with other wCMF instances
oCRightsManagerRightsManager is used to handle all authorization requests
oCRPCClientRPCClient is used to do calls to other wCMF instances on the same maschine
oCSearchUtilThis class provides access to the search based on Zend_Search_Lucene. The search index stored in the location that is defined by the configuration key 'indexPath' in the configuration section 'search'. To manage PersistentObjects in the index use the methods SearchUtil::indexInSearch() and SearchIndex::deleteFromSearch() and SearchUtil::commitIndex(). The method SearchUtil::getIndex() offers direct access to the search index for advanced operations
oCSessionDataThis class provides a unified access to session data
oCStorableThis class defines the interface for classes that can be stored in the session
oCStringQueryStringQuery executes queries from a string representation. Queries are constructed like WHERE clauses in sql, except that foreign key relations between the different types are not necessary. Attributes have to be defined with the appropriate type prepended, e.g. Author.name instead of name
oCStringUtilStringUtil provides support for string manipulation
oCURIUtilURIUtil provides support for uri manipulation
oCUserManagerUserManager is used to edit users and roles. UserManager supports the following operations:
oCVisitorVisitor is used to extend an object's functionality by not extending its interface. Classes to use with the Visitor must implement the acceptVisitor() method. Visitor implements the 'Visitor Pattern'. It implements the 'Template Method Pattern' to allow subclasses to do any Pre- and Post Visit operations (doPreVisit() and doPostVisit() methods). The abstract base class Visitor defines the interface for all specialized Visitor classes
oCWCMFExceptionUse the WCMFException class to handle errors. You need not instantiate a WCMFException object because the methods may be called like static class methods e.g. $translated = WCMFWCMFException::throwEx('error message', FILE, LINE)
oCWCMFInifileParserWCMFInifileParser adds methods for wcmf specific inifiles. This class is a decorator to the InifileParser class, showing only the readonly methods of InifileParser in it's interface. The advantage in using the InifileParser singleton inside this class is that its instance will hold the same configuration data as the WCMFInifileParser instance does.
For this reason other classes may use the InifileParser instance not knowing about the WCMFInifileParser class at all