Public Member Functions | |
getOID () | |
getDBID () | |
![]() | |
Node ($type, $oid=null) | |
getNumChildren ($memOnly=true, $type=null) | |
addChild (&$child, $addtype=ADDCHILD_BACK) | |
updateParent (&$parent, $recursive=true) | |
deleteChild ($childOID, $reallyDelete=false) | |
loadChildren ($type, $buildDepth=BUILDDEPTH_SINGLE, $forceUpdate=false) | |
& | getFirstChild ($type, $values, $properties, $useRegExp=true) |
getChildren () | |
getChildrenEx ($oid, $type, $values, $properties, $useRegExp=true) | |
sortChildren ($criteria, $recursive=false, $changeSortkey=false, $sortFunction='') | |
sort (&$nodeList, $criteria, $recursive=false, $changeSortkey=false, $sortFunction='') | |
filter (&$nodeList, $oid, $type, $values, $properties, $useRegExp=true) | |
getNextSibling () | |
getPreviousSibling () | |
loadParents ($type, $forceUpdate=false) | |
getNumParents ($memOnly=true, $type=null) | |
& | getParent () |
& | getFirstParent ($type, $values, $properties, $useRegExp=true) |
& | getParents () |
getParentsEx ($oid, $type, $values, $properties, $useRegExp=true) | |
getDepth () | |
getPath () | |
acceptVisitor (&$visitor) | |
setState ($state, $recursive=true) | |
removeDuplicateOidsWithoutRole ($oids) | |
getDisplayValue ($useDisplayType=false) | |
getDisplayValues ($useDisplayType=false) | |
toString ($verbose=false) | |
![]() | |
PersistentObject ($type, $oid=null) | |
getType () | |
setType ($type) | |
getBaseType () | |
getOID () | |
getBaseOID () | |
setOID ($oid) | |
getDBID () | |
setDBID ($id) | |
& | getMapper () |
& | getDataConverter () |
save () | |
delete ($recursive=true) | |
getState () | |
setState ($state, $recursive=true) | |
setImmutable () | |
getLock () | |
& | duplicate () |
copyValues (&$object, $dataTypes=array(), $copyPkValues=true) | |
copyValueIntern (&$node, $valueName, $dataType, &$targetNode, $dataTypes, $valuesToIgnore) | |
clearValues ($dataTypes=array()) | |
clearValueIntern (&$node, $valueName, $dataType, $dataTypes) | |
updateOID () | |
afterCreate () | |
beforeInsert () | |
afterInsert () | |
afterLoad () | |
beforeUpdate () | |
afterUpdate () | |
beforeDelete () | |
afterDelete () | |
hasValue ($name, $type=null) | |
getValue ($name, $type=null) | |
removeValue ($name, $type=null) | |
getUnconvertedValue ($name, $type=null) | |
getConvertedValue ($name, $type=null) | |
getValueTypes ($name) | |
validateValues () | |
validateValueIntern (&$node, $valueName, $dataType, &$errorMsg) | |
validateValue ($name, $value, $type=null) | |
validateValueAgainstRestrictions ($name, $value, $type=null) | |
setValue ($name, $value, $type=null, $forceSet=false) | |
getValueProperties ($name, $type=null) | |
setValueProperties ($name, $properties, $type=null) | |
getValueProperty ($name, $property, $type=null) | |
setValueProperty ($name, $property, $value, $type=null) | |
getValueNames ($type=null) | |
getDataTypes () | |
getProperty ($name) | |
setProperty ($name, $value) | |
getPropertyNames () | |
addChangeListener (&$listener) | |
removeChangeListener (&$listener) | |
propagateValueChange ($name, $type, $oldValue, $newValue) | |
propagatePropertyChange ($name, $oldValue, $newValue) | |
propagateStateChange ($oldValue, $newValue) | |
getObjectDisplayName () | |
getObjectDescription () | |
getDisplayValue () | |
getValueDisplayName ($name, $type=null) | |
getValueDescription ($name, $type=null) | |
toString ($verbose=false) | |
isIndexInSearch () | |
![]() | |
getClassDefinitionFiles () | |
loadFromSession () | |
saveToSession () | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
$_children = array() | |
$_parents = array() | |
$_depth = -1 | |
$_path = '' | |
![]() | |
$_oid = null | |
$_type = '' | |
$_data = array() | |
$_properties = array() | |
$_state = STATE_CLEAN | |
$_isImmutable = false | |
$_changeListeners = array() | |
NullNode is an implementation of the NullObject pattern, It inherits all functionality from Node (acts like a Node) and is only distinguishable from a Node instance by it's class or oid. If a Node's parent is a NullNode instance, than they should be separated in the data store (e.g. the foreign key should be null, if allowed by the database). NullNode child instances should be ignored. The object id is created using the following code: PersistenceFacade::composeOID(array('type' => $this->_type, 'id' => NULL))
wCMF - wemove Content Management Framework Copyright (C) 2005-2014 wemove digital solutions GmbH
Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your choice:
See the license.txt file distributed with this work for additional information.
Definition at line 35 of file class.NullNode.php.
NullNode::getOID | ( | ) |
Definition at line 40 of file class.NullNode.php.
References PersistenceFacade\composeOID().
NullNode::getDBID | ( | ) |
Definition at line 48 of file class.NullNode.php.