Public Member Functions | |
getType () | |
& | createObject ($oid=null) |
getTableName () | |
getPkNames () | |
getMyFKColumnNameImpl ($parentType) | |
getOrderBy () | |
getObjectDefinitionImpl () | |
![]() | |
initialize (&$object) | |
prepareInsert (&$object) | |
getObjectDefinition () | |
getSelectSQL ($condStr, $orderStr=null, $attribs=null, $asArray=false) | |
getChildrenSelectSQL ($oid, $compositionOnly=false) | |
getChildrenDisassociateSQL ($oid, $sharedOnly=false) | |
getInsertSQL (&$object) | |
getUpdateSQL (&$object) | |
getDeleteSQL ($oid) | |
createPKCondition ($oid) | |
isAttribute ($name) | |
isChild ($type, $childDef) | |
getChildDef ($type, $childDef) | |
isForeignKey ($column) | |
getSQLForRefs ($nodeDef, $attribStr, $tableStr, $condStr, $orderStr, $attribs=null) | |
translateAppToDatabase ($str) | |
getColumnName ($attributeName, $dataType=null) | |
getChildFKColumnName ($childType, $isRequired=true) | |
getMyFKColumnName ($parentType, $isRequired=true) | |
quote ($value) | |
getPKColumnNames () | |
isValidOID ($oid) | |
getId () | |
valueChanged (&$object, $name, $type, $oldValue, $newValue) | |
propertyChanged (&$object, $name, $oldValue, $newValue) | |
stateChanged (&$object, $oldValue, $newValue) | |
getObjectDefinitionImpl () | |
getTableName () | |
getMyFKColumnNameImpl ($parentType) | |
![]() | |
& | createObject ($oid=null) |
appendObject (&$object, &$dependendObject) | |
applyDataOnLoad (&$object, $objectData, $attribs) | |
applyDataOnCreate (&$object, $objectData, $attribs) | |
getObjectDefinition () | |
![]() | |
RDBMapper ($params) | |
__sleep () | |
connect () | |
getNextId () | |
getSequenceTablename () | |
executeSql ($sql, $isSelect=false) | |
select ($sql, &$pagingInfo) | |
isPkValue ($name, $dataType) | |
constructOID ($type, $data) | |
getPKNamesForType ($type) | |
& | loadImpl ($oid, $buildDepth, $buildAttribs=null, $buildTypes=null) |
& | createImpl ($type, $buildDepth, $buildAttribs=null) |
saveImpl (&$object) | |
deleteImpl ($oid, $recursive=true) | |
& | getConnection () |
getOIDs ($type, $criteria=null, $orderby=null, &$pagingInfo) | |
loadObjects ($type, $buildDepth, $criteria=null, $orderby=null, &$pagingInfo, $buildAttribs=null, $buildTypes=null, $selectChildOIDs=true, $omitObjects=false) | |
& | createObjectFromData ($attribs, $data=null) |
appendChildData (&$object, $buildDepth, $buildAttribs=null, $buildTypes=null) | |
startTransaction () | |
commitTransaction () | |
rollbackTransaction () | |
& | createObject ($oid=null) |
appendObject (&$object, &$dependendObject) | |
applyDataOnLoad (&$object, $objectData, $attribs) | |
applyDataOnCreate (&$object, $objectData, $attribs) | |
prepareInsert (&$object) | |
getType () | |
getObjectDefinition () | |
getSelectSQL ($condStr, $orderStr=null, $attribs=null, $asArray=false) | |
getChildrenSelectSQL ($oid, $compositionOnly=false) | |
getChildrenDisassociateSQL ($oid, $sharedOnly=false) | |
getInsertSQL (&$object) | |
getUpdateSQL (&$object) | |
getDeleteSQL ($oid) | |
createPKCondition ($oid) | |
![]() | |
getType () | |
getPkNames () | |
setDataConverter ($dataConverter) | |
getDataConverter () | |
enableLogging ($logStrategy) | |
disableLogging () | |
isLogging () | |
logAction (&$obj) | |
& | load ($oid, $buildDepth, $buildAttribs=null, $buildTypes=null) |
& | create ($type, $buildDepth, $buildAttribs=null) |
save (&$object) | |
delete ($oid, $recursive=true) | |
checkAuthorization ($oid, $action) | |
authorizationFailedError ($oid, $action) | |
initialize (&$object) | |
isValidOID ($oid) | |
& | loadImpl ($oid, $buildDepth, $buildAttribs=null, $buildTypes=null) |
& | createImpl ($type, $buildDepth, $buildAttribs=null) |
saveImpl (&$object) | |
deleteImpl ($oid, $recursive=true) | |
getOIDs ($type, $criteria=null, $orderby=null, &$pagingInfo) | |
loadObjects ($type, $buildDepth, $criteria=null, $orderby=null, &$pagingInfo, $buildAttribs=null, $buildTypes=null) | |
getOrderBy () | |
startTransaction () | |
commitTransaction () | |
rollbackTransaction () | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
$_connParams = null | |
$_conn = null | |
$_dbPrefix = '' | |
$_idSelectStmt = null | |
$_idInsertStmt = null | |
$_idUpdateStmt = null | |
![]() | |
$_dataConverter = null | |
$_type = '' | |
$_logging = false | |
$_logStrategy = null | |
This file was generated by wCMFGenerator from cookbook1.xmi on 23.02.09 21:34. Manual modifications should be placed inside the protected regions.
NMUserRoleRDBMapper maps NMUserRole Nodes to the database. NMUserRole description:
Definition at line 17 of file class.NMUserRoleRDBMapper.php.
NMUserRoleRDBMapper::getType | ( | ) |
Definition at line 22 of file class.NMUserRoleRDBMapper.php.
Referenced by getMyFKColumnNameImpl().
& NMUserRoleRDBMapper::createObject | ( | $oid = null | ) |
Definition at line 29 of file class.NMUserRoleRDBMapper.php.
NMUserRoleRDBMapper::getTableName | ( | ) |
Definition at line 36 of file class.NMUserRoleRDBMapper.php.
NMUserRoleRDBMapper::getPkNames | ( | ) |
Definition at line 43 of file class.NMUserRoleRDBMapper.php.
NMUserRoleRDBMapper::getMyFKColumnNameImpl | ( | $parentType | ) |
Definition at line 50 of file class.NMUserRoleRDBMapper.php.
References getType().
NMUserRoleRDBMapper::getOrderBy | ( | ) |
Definition at line 61 of file class.NMUserRoleRDBMapper.php.
NMUserRoleRDBMapper::getObjectDefinitionImpl | ( | ) |
Definition at line 68 of file class.NMUserRoleRDBMapper.php.