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ElementImageOutputStrategy Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for ElementImageOutputStrategy:

Public Member Functions

 ElementImageOutputStrategy ($format, $file, $map, $lineType=LINETYPE_DIRECT, $scale=100, $aspect=0.5, $border=50, $usemap='')
 writeHeader ()
 writeObject (&$obj)
 writeFilledBorderedRect ($topleft, $bottomright, $bgcolor, $bordercolor)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ImageOutputStrategy
 ImageOutputStrategy ($format, $file, $map, $lineType=LINETYPE_DIRECT, $scale=100, $aspect=0.5, $border=50, $usemap='')
 writeHeader ()
 writeFooter ()
 writeObject (&$obj)
 drawConnectionLine ($poid, $oid)
 drawDirectLine ($start, $end)
 drawRoutedLine ($start, $end)
 calculateEndPoints ($poid, $oid)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from ImageOutputStrategy
 $_format = null
 $_file = ''
 $_map = null
 $_img = null
 $_width = 0
 $_height = 0
 $_xscale = 0
 $_yscale = 0
 $_border = 0
 $_bgColor = null
 $_txtColor = null
 $_lineColor = null
 $_labelDim = null
 $_textPos = null
 $_usemap = ''

Detailed Description

This OutputStrategy outputs a tree of objects into an image file. It must be configured with a map that was calculated by a LayoutVisitor.

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class.ElementImageOutputStrategy.php 1462 2014-02-04 23:52:27Z iherwig
ingo herwig ingo@.nosp@m.wemo.nosp@m.ve.co.nosp@m.m

Definition at line 28 of file class.ElementImageOutputStrategy.php.

Member Function Documentation

ElementImageOutputStrategy::ElementImageOutputStrategy (   $format,
  $lineType = LINETYPE_DIRECT,
  $scale = 100,
  $aspect = 0.5,
  $border = 50,
  $usemap = '' 


formatImage format name [IMG_GIF | IMG_JPG | IMG_PNG | IMG_WBMP].
fileThe output file name.
mapThe position map provided by LayoutVisitor.
scaleThe image scale (will be xscale) DEFAULT 100.
aspectThe image aspect (aspect = xscale/yscale) DEFAULT 0.5.
borderThe image border [px] DEFAULT 50.
usemapName of the HTML ImageMap to write to stdout ['' means no map] DEFAULT ''.

Definition at line 41 of file class.ElementImageOutputStrategy.php.

References ImageOutputStrategy\ImageOutputStrategy().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ElementImageOutputStrategy::writeHeader ( )

Write the image header.

Implements OutputStrategy.

Definition at line 56 of file class.ElementImageOutputStrategy.php.

References ImageOutputStrategy\$_txtColor, writeFilledBorderedRect(), and ImageOutputStrategy\writeHeader().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ElementImageOutputStrategy::writeObject ( $obj)

Write the Nodes content.

objThe object to write.

Implements OutputStrategy.

Definition at line 78 of file class.ElementImageOutputStrategy.php.

References ImageOutputStrategy\$_bgColor, ImageOutputStrategy\$_border, ImageOutputStrategy\$_txtColor, DATATYPE_ATTRIBUTE, DATATYPE_ELEMENT, ImageOutputStrategy\drawConnectionLine(), and writeFilledBorderedRect().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ElementImageOutputStrategy::writeFilledBorderedRect (   $topleft,

Definition at line 163 of file class.ElementImageOutputStrategy.php.

Referenced by writeHeader(), and writeObject().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: